Thursday, 9 May 2013

A letter to mama

I am always thankful to have you as a mom. I reminisce on my childhood days and I can never forget the tender loving care you always showed me. I remember what you told me about my birth process. It was you or me (as to who would survive) but you prayed on your hospital bed and said that both of us will be fine. It got to a point where you had to go under a caesarean operation because I was too weak to make it but God showed Himself so strong in us. No wonder you always say it’s also your birthday when it is my birthday; I know you believe God gave you another life.

I think of the times I fell ill and little sister also had an asthma attack and as the wonderful woman you are, you would carry us both and rush us to the hospital. I will never forget the day I could barely walk and you had to run to our neighbour for help because little sister also had a temperature. You’ve always made us know that we are your priority. This reminds me of the time you were driving little sister and I home and a careless driver nearly crossed us. You screamed and what you said was, “Eii, my kids are all I have o, they’re my world and they are what I live for”. At that moment, mummy, I saw love and protection in you. You’ve been so strong when I was weak. I remember in my secondary school days when I felt very sick. Mama, you would not eat and at some point your friends and the doctors thought something would happen to you but they didn’t know you were praying for God to spare your child’s life. Those were the times you put your job aside and made time for me; you never left my bedside and you kept massaging my feet and told me that I would be alright.

Anytime I think about what you do at home, I laugh! I wish I could upload the day you were learning how to dance azonto. I couldn’t stop laughing that evening. Your humorous attitude makes people remember you always. My friends always talk about the food you used to bring us back in our secondary school days, not forgetting your advices which have helped to reshape our lives. I now eat fruits like I would drink water; thanks to you. You have always made me know about the importance of fruits and even with the books you bought to convince me? Hmm, you are the best mom in the world!

Mom, I thank you so much for doing everything in your might to make me happy. I’m so proud to have you as a mom especially when I think of how you push me through academia. You would do everything just to help me attain the best in life, anything I show interest in, you’re ready to help. What else could I ask for? Even at my age now, you make sure you call me at least twice a day to check up on me. You hear a voice change and the first you ask is if I’m ok. I just love how you call me in the morning and call my name with that lovely voice. You pray for me and bless me even before I start my day, aww mummy this love is too much! lol

I thank God for the fact that anytime I go anywhere and people get to know I’m your child, they treat me nicely. People always praise you and tell others how good and humble you are. Your humble and noble character has taken you far and has affected me positively too. I remember how all the workers at the place I did my internship kept praising you and telling me the good things you’ve done for them.

Mama, I know you wanted more kids but God in His own wisdom gave you two but we promise to never let you down. You’ve never let us down so we wouldn’t. I pray for long life and prosperity for you. May you be accepted wherever you go and may the good Lord always remember you as you have purposed in your heart to worship Him alone. Thanks so much for your rituals every morning when you lay hands on us and pray for us and even call to pray for us when we are away.

God bless you and thank you for being you. You are worth celebrating. Happy mother’s day!! J

Saturday, 4 May 2013

My unknown thoughts......

I wish this world was such a peaceful and a better place to live in: a place where no one would kill his brother for anything, a place where the thief would not go and rob the innocent family at night, a place where one wouldn’t have to lock his door at night or even during the day because of burglars, a place where a close friend would not sabotage his friend because of a position he doesn’t deserve, a place where there would be no paedophiles nor rapists, false prophets and fraudsters who dupe others of their hard earned monies.
I wish we lived in a world where a man would love a woman, marry her and place her on a pedestal. I wish the woman would be submissive to her man as the good book says for the man to also love her equally. I wish we had a world where ladies would stay away from married men and not go to destroy someone’s “hard built” marital home. A world where a man would not abuse his wife or partner emotionally and physically but rather learn to live with her shortcomings. I wish we had a world where men would take up the responsibilities of taking care of their children and helping their wives to raise a wonderful family. A nice place where a man would tell her wife she is fat and still love her for that and let everyone know how proud he is to have her. The beautiful world where a man and his wife would laugh and play together as little kids and dance their hearts away to the tune of their lovely music even after 20 years of marriage.
I wish we had a human race where friends would help each other in times of difficulty and also pull the other to climb the ladder of success together. A place where there would be no fair weather friends but real friends who would take good care of your family and other properties if you were away. A world where people would not talk behind your back and say hurtful things they do not know about but would be bold enough to approach you to solve issues. A place where sisters or best friends would not stab you in the back and take your spouse but would rather pray with you in strengthening your relationships. A place where a family member would not love to be seen as a “saviour” in the family to be worshiped but as someone who would love to help the less privileged in the family to also attain a better position in life. A domain where an uncle would not ask for sex from his niece before he pays her school fees. 
I wish we lived in a wonderful place where people would tell others exactly how they feel and not harbour any bitterness in them. A better place where there would be malice, pain, bitterness or anger in anyone’s heart but we would love our neighbours as ourselves and be each other’s keeper. A peaceful and a serene atmosphere where countries would not rise up against countries, where there would be no racism issues, where there would be no corruption; a world where leaders would fulfil their promises when they come into power and not spend the little money in the nation’s coffers. A world where there would be no corruption; a place where the rich would not continue to get richer with the poor getting poorer but a world where the rich would teach the poor how to also “fish” and not necessarily feeding him with fish because with that he’d know how to gain and sustain his riches.
Mostly, I wish we had a world where we used our mouth to settle issues and not the use of weapons and the hands. Our wise God in His own special way gave us mouth in the creation of man to be used for talking and solving problems when the need arises. A wonderful world where phrases such as “thank you” and “sorry” would always be on everyone’s lips. An atmosphere where there is love and not hatred; peace and not war; joy and not sorrow.
My heart desire is to see all the nations with one heart, worship our creator irrespective of our religious background. I would love to see people with a common destiny who would remain united no matter what happens. I am waiting to see that world, and I would love to do everything I can to see that world because I trust that is the place I can scream “o, what a wonderful world!” I don't know about you but I know you'll love that world too.
All things are possible to him who believes, more to him who hopes, even more to him who loves, and more still to him who practices and perseveres in these three virtues – Brother Lawrence