I told my colleague today that I'll smile whilst I have teeth and she was like,"yh, that's so true, a good point there!" I spoke with a friend and she wondered why I sound cheerful on phone lately and I responded simply;" that is my only option".
There are times when people see you in a very gleeful state and wonder what could be the secret but they have no idea the down moments you've had. The days when you cry all night and wish you weren't going through your current situations. There have been times I wept all night and my eyes were swollen by the next morning and had to lie that I had an allergy, times when I never felt like seeing anyone but rather be alone and cry my lungs out.
Many people would be wondering why I'm writing this but my status about women today is simple: a strong woman is the one who cries at night but wakes up in the morning and tells herself that God is in control! Yes, God is fighting all her battles and victory is hers. Life is a rollercoaster but when God is with her, He carries her when He knows she can't go through the pain anymore.
My fellow women, I think we should always celebrate and walk with our shoulders high because God is mightily with us, His Holy Spirit is within us and His angels walk with us. Yes, we may weep and wonder why we're going through that situation but we are rest assured that Jesus got our backs! :)
God loves us and He would never never ever leave us. After all, He's not a man that He'd lie.
Love you ladies
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